Welcome to Maverick's 1.32 Mod Log...

April 25, 2004
-Made the SelectRandomSpawnPoint codes selectable through a variable.  This will allow admins to chose what respawn codes run on their servers.  The change was in g_client, g_local, and g_main.
-Added in an option to allow tournaments to have map rotations.  Changed g_main and g_local.
-Build 28: Implemented the above.
-Build 29: Added in g_freezetag_grappleFreeze to allow the grappling hpook to freeze people in freezetag.  Edited g_main, g_local, and g_freeze.

April 3, 2004
-Build 25: Finished the teamLock command.  Had to adjust how bots were added into the game to preserve teamlocking functionality.  I also made it so that the forceteam command overrules the lockteam command.  That'll allow referees to force a player onto a locked team.  Changed g_local, g_referee, g_cmds, g_svcmds, g_bot, and g_client.
	-Small bugfix in g_cmds and g_antibot for the log printing.
-Build 26: Made a variable to control what percentage of the votes are required to pass a vote.  Made the change in g_loal and g_main.
-Build 27: Made two new variables for turrets to control if they can spawn on another entity and if you can place them anywhere, even in the air.  Changed g_turret, g_items, g_local, g_main, and g_decoy.

March 30, 2004
-Build 24: Broke out the antibot codes into a new file for manageability reasons.  Also made the bot checking a little bit tighter in the timing algorithms.  Changed g_cmds.
-Build 23: Small fix to the way the logs are created when a cheater is detected while spectating.  The change was in g_cmds.

March 25, 2004
-Build 20: Made the g_weaponSwitchTime codes better and created another variable, g_weaponSwitchTime_noReload to disable the wait time between when you shoot a weapon and when you can switch to the next weapon. Changed g_main, bg_local, and bg_pmove.
-Build 21: Made the spawnCamped codes from yesterday only apply to a non-suicider.  Changed g_freeze and g_lastmanstanding.
	-Also fixed a bug where the client->respawnTime was being reset at places I didn't want it to be.  Changed g_freeze and g_combat.
-Build 22: Optimized the spawnCamped codes a little bit in g_client, g_freeze, g_local, and g_lastmanstanding, and fixed a small bug with respawnTime as well.

March 24, 2004
-Build 19: Made the anticamper codes not attempt to track a spectator who may be using a cheat.  However as soon as they join the game, they had better watch out.  Changed g_cmds.
	-Made g_freezetag_spawnCampedReapawnTime to help people automelt if they were killed right after they respawned.  Changed g_main, g_freeze, and g_local.
	-Also created g_freezetag_spawnCampedDistance to determine how far away a person can be from their spawn point for the spawncamped codes to apply.  Changed g_freeze, g_main, and g_local.
	-Also created g_freezetag_spawnCampedNoPoints to force the spawn camper to not get any points for performing a spawn camp.  Changed g_freeze, g_local, and g_main.
	-Lastly, created g_lastmanstanding_* for the above variables.  Same function, and changed g_lastmanstanding, g_local, and g_main.

March 10, 2004
-Polished up the g_blackNameFix codes in g_client.
-Build 18: Forgot that you couldn't use the same variable name in nested for statements.  This fixes g_startWeapon in g_lastmanstanding and g_freeze.

March 4, 2004
-Fixed a SetupBanner bug in g_referees that was causing referee warn messages to be sent to everyone.

March 2, 2004
-Build 16: Fixed a bug in the way g_startWeapon calculates what weapon is in the ready state.  I think this may have been causing people to get booted if things were set incorrectly.  Fixed g_client, g_freeze, and g_lastmanstanding.
-Build 17: Made a small fix in g_client just to make sure g_startWeapon was working right.

March 1, 2004
-Build 15: Added a function to g_blackNameFix where you can allow black names to occur by default.  Just set it to 2.  Fix was in g_client.
	Bugfix in g_freeze where if a player is forceteam'ed to another team, their body stays.  The body will now free itself if this happens and won't stay around.
-Determined another way a common cheat works.  Adapted the g_antibot codes in g_cmds.

Febryary 28, 2004
-Build 13: Replaced the g_plasmaEffects, g_rocketEffects 3, and g_bfgEffects with g_projectileBounce in g_local, g_main, and g_missile.
-Build 14: Fixed the bouncing homing rockets in g_missile.  I'm not going to make bouncing rockets for guided missiles.
	Upon request, conditionalized the code for G_AddEvent in g_missile to remove the bouncing sound that the plasma makes.

February 27, 2004
-Fixed a bug that was causing a spectator to be given powerups in g_client.  Edited the G_Start* functions in g_utils.
-Added in g_bfgEffects and the third functionality of g_rocketEffects in g_missile, g_local, and g_main.
-Created the g_ctf variables in g_team, g_main, g_items, and g_local.
-Added in friction and acceleration variables in bg_pmove and bg_public.
-Build 11: Implemented the above.
-Build 12: Fixed the bug in g_session that was allowing bots in team matches to become spectators.
	-Fixed a bug in the adminlog that wasn't tracking referee warning messages correctly in g_referee.

February 22, 2004
-Made it so that bots would move around when g_itemdisable was set to -1.
-Corrected the bug that was causing items not to be preloaded correctly.
-Build 10: Implemented the above.
-Made it so that if the map ends during a timeout, the game won't attempt to continue counting after the timeout is over.  Changed g_main.
-Added in g_plasmaEffects to make the plasma bullets bounce off map structures.  Changed g_missile, g_main, and g_local.  This same code can make rockets and bfgs bounce...yum.

February 18, 2004
-Made LMS work correctly with 1v1 tournaments in g_lastmanstanding.
-Edited g_bot to allow a bot to be added during the intermission.  Also changed g_local and g_main.
-Finished the adminlog additions.  Tracking players is easier now.  Edited g_main, g_client, g_referee, and g_cmds.
-Build 9: Implemented the above.

February 16, 2004
-Made referees able to see other hidden referees in g_referees.
-Made the adminlog in g_main now track player disconnects.

February 11, 2004
-Attempting to fix what's wrong with g_gameMod.
-Made timelimit not report that it has been changed.
-Build 7: Changed g_cmds, g_items, g_main, g_missile, g_mover, g_weapon, and g_local in search of the freezetag problem.
-Fixed a bug where the system would try to add a hidden referee into the game during a 1v1 tournament.  The fix was in g_main.
-Build 8: In process of going over the files again to see if I missed anything important that might be screwing up the g_gameMod variable.

February 10, 2004
-Build 4-5: The homingrocket code, which took advantage of rocket->target_ent variable not being used was now overlapping with newer codes.  Created target_ent2 in g_local and used it in g_missile. Homing rockets and VulnerableRockets now work at the same time.
	-Optimized/Streamlined the code in g_missile's fire_rocket function.
-Build 6: Oops..Found the g_homingrocket_keeptarget code trying to use uninitialized values in g_missile.  It was causing some crashes, so I fixed it.

February 9, 2004
-Finished migrating the following files:
-Build 1: Hell, I'm just surprised it compiled!
-Build 2: Fixed a small bug in g_weapon that was causing the railgun to not shoot correctly.
-Build 3: Fixed a few freezetag problems in g_freezetag.
	Added the rest of the g_ammo_* variables into g_freeze, g_local, and g_main.

February 8, 2004
-Finished migrating the following files:
-Found a small problem in bg_public in the way the mod keeps track of melts and freezes in the persEnum_t struct.  I'll need to attend to this very soon, since I'm relatively sure it won't compile correctly.

February 7, 2004
-Finished migrating the following files:

January 31, 2004
-Started working on the 1.32 build(s) of the NoGhost mod.  We'll see how it goes.
-Had to change the name of the \stats command to \playerstats in g_cmds.
-Finished migrating the following files:
I have to be very careful about editing both the files in the 1.16 build and in the 1.32.  Synchronization is a good thing.
-Changed the default value of g_respawn_megahealth to be 35, to be consistent with the 1.32 default codes.  Edited g_items.